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A member registered Nov 13, 2016

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Are the two directories "Toy Tanks_Data" (with files dated 2021.12.06, ~851 MB) and "Toy_Tanks_Data" (2021.12.22, ~894 MB) both needed to run this updated build? Or is the first one redundant, a holdover from the earlier version? Trying to optimize my SSD space usage here.

EIGHT gigabytes? Seriously?

Wow, a lot of uncanny valley going on here! The hamster is way too anthro! Are you sure it's not a man in an elaborate hamster suit? :D

Is there multiplayer? Why does it need websockets.dll?

Confirming the bug with an input key being  read as continuously depressed after a single tap (reported below by Gmr_Leon). It's not Firefox, it appears - I'm on an up-to-date Chromium-based browser (Slimjet). Maybe it's leaving the game to idle in a background tab that flips this glitch.

(1 edit)

Ahaha! This is super outrageous and insulting to the regular basement-dwelling gaming dweeb. And all the better because of it! A roller coaster of self-loathing and harrowing butthurt! A must play!